College Prep Academy Sentencing > 자유게시판

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College Prep Academy Sentencing

페이지 정보

작성자 jarry park
댓글 0건 조회 1,104회 작성일 14-05-28 16:47


칼리지 프렙 아카데미 건으로 선고 공판이 있었읍니다.

모든 한국분들에게 사업의 성공과 행운이 있기를 빕니다.

The former head of an English language school in Duluth and a co-conspirator have been sentenced in federal court on charges of illegally bringing female immigrants here to work in “room salons” at local Korean bars.

Dong Seok Yi, former president and CEO of College Prep Academy, was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison after pleading guilty to immigration document fraud in February. Sang Houn Kim of Diamond Bar, Calif., got a one-year sentence after pleading guilty to conspiring to commit immigration document fraud in January.

Yi and his school profited by charging thousands in quarterly tuition payments for keeping the immigrants on student rolls, prosecutors said. The court has also ordered the forfeiture of $36,867 from bank accounts associated with the school.

“It’s especially disappointing when someone victimizes a program like this that is designed to give foreign students a beneficial educational experience,” U.S. attorney Sally Quillian Yates said in a prepared statement Wednesday.


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Total 18,402건 600 페이지
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