1:1 대학 입시 에세이, SAT, ACT 과외 해드립니다! > 구인/구직/과외

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과외 1:1 대학 입시 에세이, SAT, ACT 과외 해드립니다!

페이지 정보

작성자 williamyoon2021 작성일 21-05-22 16:42 조회 466 댓글 0



My name is William Yoon. I am currently a senior at The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology and will be studying Electrical Engineering at Cornell University. I am a National Merit Finalist (SAT), and I received a 35 on the ACT. I am confident in tutoring SAT, ACT, as well as guiding seniors during their college admission process (essays, common application, etc.) Because I was accepted into Cornell University, I am also comfortable with revealing my personal application as well. If you are interested in tutoring, please contact me at 770-508-0094. I am not extremely fluent in Korean, so I would appreciate if all communication was in English.

Thank you!

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