Summer/After School Tutoring (ACT, Math, English) > 구인/구직/과외

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과외 Summer/After School Tutoring (ACT, Math, English)

페이지 정보

작성자 lucyyjan 작성일 22-05-02 20:45 조회 706 댓글 0


안녕하세요! 여름방학동안, 혹은 방과후 과외합니다.
저는 조지아텍 산업공학 (Industrial Engineering)을 2019년에 졸업했습니다.
7년넘게 1대1 과외경험이 있고, 학원 강사 경험도 있습니다.

문의사항 있으시다면 문자로 연락주세요: 770-570-8628

Hello, I am tutoring students over the summer or after school.
I graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Industrial Engineering in 2019. I have over 7 years of experience in private tutoring, and I have experience as an instructor at a tutoring center.

Please reach out via text with any questions: 770-570-8628

-Math (any level up to AP Calculus)
-English (reading, writing, speaking)
-College Application Essays

댓글목록 0

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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