반도체회사 Absolics,inc에서 System Engineer 채용합니다 > 구인/구직/과외

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구인 반도체회사 Absolics,inc에서 System Engineer 채용합니다

페이지 정보

작성자 absolics
댓글 0건 조회 148회 작성일 24-03-27 11:00


Absolics,inc은 세계최초 High Performance Computing용 반도체 유리기판 제조를 위해 SKC (SK Group)와 미국회사가 합작하여 설립한 회사입니다.
아래와 같이 직원을 채용중이오니 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.


Responsible for creating and developing for logistic automation and online facility scenarios (WFS- Work Flow Service) and modules within the manufacturing system

• Design abnormal case response plan (support scenario, manual process)
• Design interface control for each system such as dispatcher, logistics, and facility control
• Design scenario specification linking Automation (WFS,RTD), logistics (MCS), facility control(TC)
• Develop Common Rule, specialized business rule and control plan
• Design system integration (UI) and function for each screen
• Develop quality management system response to support quality activities (QA)
• Manage statistics by level for quality control (SPC)
• Design basic/advanced functions for recipe management for each manufacturing process
• Manage tasks and progress by system (WBS)
• Manage work balancing to reflect user needs
• Discover and design system sophistication item
• Establish plans to secure system responsiveness to changes in the manufacturing environment
• Manage issue tracking and system failure monitoring
• Facilitate Major/Minor Patch to improve performance and secure stability
• Response to abnormal case situation( manual work, data consistency processing, etc.)
• Excellent and proven personnel management skills
• Strong critical and analytical thinking
• Effective organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills are required
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications

• Self-starter with the drive to work quickly and efficiently
• A positive attitude and is able to collaborate in a team environment
• Strong attention to detail and a desire to create the very best product

• BS/MS degree in engineering

• Minimum of 3-year of IT system professional
• MES experience required

• 401K 6% matching (NO vesting period)
• Healthcare 100% support (Health, Dental, Vision)
• Life, STD, LTD 100 % support
• Cell phone allowance
• PTO and self-Development

If interested, please send resume/CV to HR@absolicsinc.com


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 136,434건 8 페이지
구인/구직/과외 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
136329 구인 msoung89 90 04-26
136328 구인 duixy 106 04-26
136327 구인 Jinkim1111 145 04-26
136326 구인 RISEKKIM 62 04-26
136325 구인 RISEKKIM 60 04-26
136324 구인 RISEKKIM 36 04-26
136323 구인 RISEKKIM 54 04-26
136322 구인 RISEKKIM 53 04-26
136321 구인 Ggommy 206 04-26
136320 구직 Acura 92 04-26
136319 구인 새롬62 169 04-26
136318 구인 HRMANAGERDH 122 04-26
136317 구인 mimix 355 04-26
136316 구인
파샬 & 덴쳐하실 분 인기글 첨부파일
kyosu 122 04-26
136315 구인 WWRECRUIT 40 04-26


모바일 버전으로 보기 상단으로

회장: 김준우 president@gtksa.net
홈페이지 오류 문의: webmaster@gtksa.net
채용 문의: vicepresident@gtksa.net
광고 문의: treasury@gtksa.net
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