I still didn't get my $1200.00 yet. > 질문답변

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I still didn't get my $1200.00 yet.

페이지 정보

작성자 생글이 작성일 20-05-13 12:57 조회 836 댓글 3


I stille didn't get my $1200.00 and I check every day for update. I filed 2018 and 2019 Tax. I also get refund to my bank account for both year. 

I heard that I have to put my banking info before noon today to get payment but I can't put any information. I keep getting same massage. Please help me what should I do to get $1200.00. Thanks. 1.JPG


댓글목록 3

커피사랑님의 댓글

커피사랑 작성일

마지막 Tax return 하신 주소 정확한 집주소가 하나라도 틀리면 enough information 이라고 나옵니다

wkdalgksthddl님의 댓글

wkdalgksthddl 작성일

There's nothing you can do...we have to wait...but sooner of later  IRS will pay EIP money .  I receive  payment notice from IRS  will deposit by April 30, 2020,  but I haven't received yet  ㅠ.ㅠ

coffeelover님의 댓글

coffeelover 작성일

Few things you can try ,but not guaranteed,although have had some people succeeded .Try typing your address in all CAPS on ,"Get My Payment" tool,using periods after abbreviations in your address.Also  find  your last year tax return to make sure you're typing in  the same address that IRS used to return your tax return

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