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작성자 스와니사랑 작성일 14-12-16 22:44 조회 1,997 댓글 1



제 딸아이 숙제예요.

The Twelve Days of Christmas is a popular holiday song.  If this song were true and “my true love” gave me gifts each day, as the song says, how 

many total gifts would I have received after 12 days?  Bonus:  can you find a formula to figure out the answer?  Here is a list of each days gifts, for

example, on the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me:  3 french hens, 2 turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

1 partridge in a pear tree 2 turtle doves 3 French hens 4 calling birds 5 gold rings 6 geese a-laying 7 swans a-swimming 8 maids a-milking 9 ladies dancing 10 lords a-leapin’ 11 pipers piping 12 drummers drumming

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