***주의*** 렌트 사기 이메일 > 렌트/룸메

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***주의*** 렌트 사기 이메일

페이지 정보

작성자 President
댓글 29건 조회 134,505회 작성일 13-07-23 22:33


렌트 관련 게시글을 올리신 이용자께서 다음과 같은 사기이메일을 받으셨다는 제보가 있습니다. 모두 주의하시기 바랍니다.

제니퍼 달 리 <ljsoukup@optonline.net>


리제니퍼 달 <reallee34@gmail.com>

Good day,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am replying to your advert about your place for rent, My name is Moon Lee , I am a 28 years old female and I work full time, Monday through Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born and in Seoul and raised in America, but presently in Turkey on a business trip for more than 3 months.......I am a professional Computer Consultant and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything. I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world. I came across your advert about your place for rent and i am extremely interested in renting your place and i will like Answers to My questions Below about your place for rent:

I will like you to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities,Description of the Place, size, pictures and the equipments in there,names of Major areas Like, Markets, Malls, Churches,Gym.Taxi Park,Churches,Restaurants and bars,e.t.c

I will also like to know if I can make an Advance Payment ahead my arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place down for me since i planned coming to the states to set up my own business.I will be much glad and happy if you can get back to me with answers to my questions above as soon as possible so as to arrange for you to get the payment before my arrival to hold and consider the place is mine.kindly reply to my personal email at reallee34@gmail.com

I Await your Reply ASAP

Moon Lee



yeabby님의 댓글

yeabby 작성일



조진크루니님의 댓글

조진크루니 작성일


음............ 저두 오늘 새벽 4시에 이 메일을 받았습니다. 혹시나 해서 검색해 보니 역시나 였습니다. </p><p/>&nbsp;</p><p/><a href="http://m.gohackers.com/ci/index.php/board/board/boardView/dataetc/174562"/>http://m.gohackers.com/ci/index.php/board/board/boardView/dataetc/174562</a></p><p/>&nbsp;</p><p/>전에도 이런 글이 인터넷에 메일 주소로 있더군요. </p><p/>&nbsp;</p><p/>피해 안 당하시면 좋겠습니다. </p>


kimjeon2님의 댓글

kimjeon2 작성일

<p/>저메일&nbsp; Yun Kim 이란 이름으로 받았습니다.&nbsp; 주의하세요~</p>


Someone님의 댓글

Someone 작성일

<div class="gE iv gt"/><table class="cf gJ" cellpadding="0"/><tbody/><tr class="acZ"/><td class="gF gK"/><table class="cf ix" cellpadding="0"/><tbody/><tr/><td/><div class="iw"/><span class="gD" name="윤 김 앨리 시아"/>이 ㄴ연은 새벽에 잠도 안자고 사기를 치기 위해 노력 하네요 여러분 제발 제발 조심 하십시요.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />윤 김 앨리 시아</span> <span class="go"/>&lt;ljsoukup@optonline.net&gt;</span> </div></td></tr></tbody></table></td><td class="gH"/><div class="gK"/><span/></span><span title="Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 5:18 AM" class="g3" id=":ey" alt="Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 5:18 AM"/>Nov 21 (5 days ago)</span><div tabindex="-1" class="zd" role="checkbox" style="outline: 0px;"/><span class="T-KT"/><img editor_component="image_link" class="f T-KT-JX" alt="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif"/></span></div></div></td><td class="gH"/><br /></td><td class="gH acX" rowspan="2"/><div tabindex="0" title="Reply" class="T-I J-J5-Ji T-I-Js-IF aaq T-I-ax7 L3" role="button"/><img editor_component="image_link" class="hB T-I-J3" role="button" alt="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif"/></div><div tabindex="0" title="More" class="T-I J-J5-Ji T-I-Js-Gs aap T-I-awG T-I-ax7 L3" id=":f8" role="button"/><img editor_component="image_link" class="hA T-I-J3" role="menu" alt="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif"/></div></td></tr><tr class="acZ xD"/><td colspan="3"/><table class="cf adz" cellpadding="0"/><tbody/><tr/><td class="ady"/><div class="iw ajw"/><span class="hb"/>to  </span></div><div class="ajy"/><img editor_component="image_link" class="ajz" id=":b3" role="button" alt="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif" data-tooltip="Show details"/></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="ii gt m1427a2b37fe00d8d adP adO" id=":ew"/><div id=":ev" style="overflow: hidden;"/>Good day,<br /><br /> I am replying to your advert about your place for rent, My name is Yun Kim , I am a 28 years old female and I work full time, Monday through Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born and in Seoul and raised in America, but presently in Europe on a business trip for more than 2 months.......I am a professional Computer Consultant and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything. I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world. I came across your advert about your place for rent and i am extremely interested in renting your place and i will like Answers to My questions Below about your place for rent:<br /><br /> I will like you to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities,Description of the Place, size, pictures and the equipments in there,names of Major areas Like, Markets, Malls, Churches,Gym.Taxi Park,Churches,Restaurants and bars,e.t.c<br /><br /> I will also like to know if I can make an Advance Payment ahead my arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place down for me since i planned coming to the states to set up my own business.I will be much glad and happy if you can get back to me with answers to my questions above as soon as possible so as to arrange for you to get the payment before my arrival to hold and consider the place is mine.I Await your Reply ASAP<br /><br /> Regards and lots of Love<br /><br /> Yun<br /><br /></div></div>


cutetomato님의 댓글

cutetomato 작성일


이 사람&nbsp; 신고하는 방법없나요?</p><p/>저 한테도 다섯번 정도 왓네요</p>




예전에 제가 아는 친구도 오래전에 한번 사기당한적이 있는데요, 경찰서에 갔더니 아주 큰 사기단이 마음먹고 인터넷상으로 하는거라 경찰도 잡기가 힘들다고 하더라구요. 리포트 써 주면서 다음에는 조심하라고 했어요. 워낙 유명한 사기 방법이래요. 이메일의 이름은 시기마다 바뀌더라구요. 진짜 존재하는 사람의 이름이 아니라는 거죠. 접근방법과 내용이 비슷하니까 그것을 조심하시면 될것 같아요. 미리 체크를 보내준다고 하는 방식으로 체크가 보내지구요, 제친구도 그방식으로 체크가 진짜로 그 친구이름으로 왔어요. 그리고 그 체크액수에서 미리 디파짓을 원하는 가격을 뺀 돈을 그쪽 어카운트로 다시 돌려 보내달라고 해요. 제친구같은 경우는 사기쳤던 사람이 그돈으로 비행기 티켓을 사야한다고 했어요. 그리고 그 돈을 정말 보내주면 몇일 있다가 체크가 바운스가 납니다. 많이들 아셔서 피해가 더 없으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 조심하세요.


단비샤넬님의 댓글

단비샤넬 작성일

저두 예전에 당할뻔했다가 지인의... 도움으로 사기를 면했어요 ..이름만 바꿨네여...지독한사람 이에여


Piggi님의 댓글

Piggi 작성일

이거 나이지리안 사기 방법인데 Rent 분야가 아닌 저처럼 Care giver 을 상대로도 지난번 $3500 을 사기치러 했답니다.  상삭적으로 내 돈이 먼저 가야하는 방법은 피하세요~


AtlantaKimSang님의 댓글

AtlantaKimSang 작성일

이런 사기도 있네요... <br /><br />Kim Shoon &lt;shoonkimmie@gmail.com&gt;<br />  Reply all|<br />Thu 9/20, 3:23 PM<br /><br />Label: All Other Folders 5 Year Permanently Delete (5 years) Expires: 9/19/2023 3:23 PM<br />Hey,<br />Thanks for your email. I just want you to know little about me.<br /><br />I'm hard working, clean and quite person and easy going and respected.. I love taking photographs of people,Places and things has re-surfaced and put into Art work. I love traveling, sporting and enjoy meeting people. I don't smoke or drink but i do not mind people who do being around me.. Am cool headed and easy going person I have no boyfriend because i am a very busy lady only dedicated to my work. I like honest,trustworthy and hardworking people while i dislike laziness,messy. Okay.<br /><br />I am coming the state for a program and my company I.L.O and they will be responsible for all my fees I will be making a payment for first month rent to move in before my arrival. I'll be so happy if you can reserve the place for me because i'm so much interested in renting the place. My financier will be responsible for all the fees and the payment will be US Check , paying my rent would not be a burden to me. I will need the following information so that the payment can be sent out to you soon. I will need your FULL NAME that will be on the check and your ADDRESS where the check will be mailed out to and also your PHONE NUMBER to be able get in touch with you.<br /><br />Kindly get back to me with this requested information so that the rent can be made to you on time<br /><br />이러고 왔길레, 회사이름, 재정담당자, 연락처 등을 물으니, &quot;Why I disclose information .....&quot; 으로 답이 왔길레... <br />당연히, 너희 회사에서 지급할 거면 회사의 담당자 이름과 연락처를 통해 확인을 해야하고, 당신의 신용보고서 보내 달라고 했더니. ...............      결국 답 없네요..




늙지도 않고 수년동안 28살 컴퓨터 전공 여자로 사기수법으로 계시판을 흐려놓는 할 일 없는 사람 참 한심하죠.<br />지금도 계속 이메일을 보내고 있습니다.  그래서 나는 여러번 소개 받아서 알고있으니 전화번호 달라고 하니 <br />답장이 안옵니다.<br /><br />이메일 과 똑같은  방법을  참고 하세요.<br /><br />여자 이름 전 &lt;CarolineXJeon@hotmail.com&gt; 18.10.03 06:06  주소추가수신차단<br />Hi there<br /><br />  Thanks so much for your response and it's really appreciated. My name is Caroline Jeon, I'm a 28 years old female and I work full time, Monday to Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born in Korea and raised in America, but presently in Europe on a business trip.......I'm a Professional Computer Consultant and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software's. I'm a very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development,friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything. I am a laid back person, I love traveling, sporting and Enjoy meeting people around the world.<br /><br />I'm writing to confirm if you still have the place available for rent......If YES, Kindly reply the following questions below:<br /><br />1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipments in there.<br />2) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.<br />3) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc<br />4) I will also like to know if I can make an Advance Payment ahead my arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly coming over and for you to hold the place down for me <br />5) If the 4 questions are YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.<br />6) I will like to know the major intersection<br />7) I will like to know as well when the place will be available and how long you wish to rent it out.<br />8) I will like to know your preferable payment mode<br /><br />Hope to hear from you soon.<br /><br /><br />?? ?? ? &lt;CarolineXJeon@hotmail.com&gt; 18.10.02 23:16  주소추가수신차단<br />Hello,<br /><br />I am writing about your property for rent, Please i will like to know if you still have the place available, Kindly get back to me if it's still available. I look forward to hear from you<br />Thanks<br /><br />Caroline<br /><br /><br />Jane Lee &lt;sphylim@outlook.com&gt; 18.06.25 00:16  주소추가수신차단<br />Hello,<br /><br />I am writing about your property for rent, Please i will like to know if you still have the place available, Kindly get back to me if it's still available. I look forward to hear from you<br />Thanks<br /><br />Jane


HelenJeon님의 댓글

HelenJeon 작성일

I got the email from Eunyoung Kim &lt;koreanamerica74@gmail.com&gt;<br /><br />&quot;Hey,<br />Thanks for your email. I just want you to know little about me.<br /><br />I'm hard working, clean and quite person and easy going and respected.. I love taking photographs of people,Places and things has re-surfaced and put into Art work. I love traveling, sporting and enjoy meeting people. I don't smoke or drink but i do not mind people who do being around me.. Am cool headed and easy going person I have no boyfriend because i am a very busy lady only dedicated to my work. I like honest, trustworthy and hardworking people while i dislike laziness, messy. Okay.<br /><br />I am coming the state for a program and my company I.L.O and they will be responsible for all my fees I will be making a payment for first month rent to move in before my arrival. I'll be so happy if you can reserve the place for me because i'm so much interested in renting the place. My financier will be responsible for all the fees and the payment will be US Check , paying my rent would not be a burden to me. I will need the following information so that the payment can be sent out to you soon. I will need your FULL NAME that will be on the check and your ADDRESS where the check will be mailed out to and also your PHONE NUMBER to be able get in touch with you.<br /><br />Kindly get back to me with this requested information so that the rent can be made to you on time<br />Kim&quot;<br /><br />=============<br />After this message, we texted each other in KakaoTalk. She did not pick up the phone, and only wanted to text. <br /><br />She said she was traveling in Europe on a vacation and she is originally from Poland. She will be in the states this coming Friday and asked me if I could pick her up at the airport. <br /><br />A few days later, she sent me the message:<br /><br />&quot;I have a little problem here..... my company told me they included my flight expenses on the check that will be delivered to you now.... so I need you to do me a favor, so after you get the check you deduct your own rent fees and kindly help me send the rest of the money to my traveling agency to book for my flight ticket to the state&quot;<br /><br />The SCAM is still live and well. Please be careful.


kimwicks님의 댓글

kimwicks 작성일

어머 나도 받았는데 주소 달래서 줬는데 괜찮겠죠 첵 보낸다 해서


salad님의 댓글

salad 작성일

<p>최근 10월에 저에게 접근 했던 컴퓨터컨설턴트라는 Sara Jung 여자 28세라는 사기꾼이 있었으니 주의하세요. 저에게 집확인전에 money orders를 deposit 3배까지 보냈기에 스캠인줄고알고 머니오더 리턴하겠다고 했더니 연락이 없네요. 서투른 사기꾼인것 같아 웃음만 나오더군요!! 한국말 못한다며 카톡으로도 연락옵니다.</p>


아롱다롱님의 댓글

아롱다롱 작성일

저도 받았습니다...<br />다들 조심하세요.<br /><br /><br />남자 이름 앤<br />12:37 AM (11 minutes ago)<br />to me<br /><br />Hello<br /><br />Thanks so much for your email, I will start by introducing myself briefly; I am Ann Lee 26 years old woman, Am Originally from Incheon, South Korea, and grew up in Santa Monica, California.<br /><br />I am a postgraduate student and a professional IT Freelancer and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything.<br /><br />I am currently in Seoul and am really interested in renting your place , I am hardworking, fun loving, personal, friendly, clean, caring, and respectful to others, a non-smoker, i don’t do drugs, i drink occasionally, and drama free.<br /><br />Please i will like to know if you still have the place available for rent......If  YES, Kindly reply the following questions below:<br /><br />1) I will like to have the description of the room, size, and the equipment in there.<br />2) I will like to have the rent fee per month plus the utilities.<br />3) I will also be coming with some of my furniture, electronics that is if it is allowed, like bed, book shelf because I read a lot, shoe rank etc<br />4) I will also like to know if you accept cashier's check so that I can contact my payment rep for the payment. My company is responsible for the payment.<br />5) If the # 4 questions is a YES, I will like to know the total cost for the initial move as in first month rent plus utilities and if deposit is necessary.<br />6) I will like to know the major intersection<br />7) I will like to know as well when the place will be available and how long you wish to rent it out.<br /><br />Regards and Stay Safe<br /><br />Ann Lee


Hello Kitty님의 댓글

Hello Kitty 작성일

ㅎㅎㅎ 집도 안 보고서 돈을 미리 보내 주겠다고 한다면 한마디로 사기성이 농한 사기꾼이 사냥감을 찾기위해 덪을 놓고 기다리는 것이지요<br />집 주인의 입장에선 임대료를 미리 선불로 드린다고 하니 마다할 사람 없지만 바로 이게 함정 입니다.<br />이 자가 여성 인지 남자 인지는 본적이 없지만 대단한 트릭을 가지고 있는것은 사실인가 보네요.<br />나에겐 랜트 광고만 나가면 구름 위에 숨어 있다가 이름과 이메일을 보내며 집에대한 정보를 요청합니다.<br />글도 잘 쓰는데 그 재주를 타인에게 피해를 주면 자신의 업에 반드시 그 보응을 그대로 받습니다.<br />"내일의 나를 알고 싶으면 오늘 현제의 나 입니다' 이젠 돌이키시고 피해를 입히는 일에서 중단 하세요


샤넬단비님의 댓글

샤넬단비 작성일

저두 오늘 새벽에 카톡으로 왔어요 김 상숙이라고  통화로 하자했더니 한국말 못한다고. 랜트를 원한다고 사진보냐달라고 해서 보내주니 좋다고 미리 디파짓 한다하길래 와서하라고 하니 회사에서  미리 체크를 보내야 한다길래 수법이 비슷해요 컴퓨터  전공뭐 비슷하게  예기하네요 그래서 싫다고 하니 왜 그러냐고 해서 미안하다 너 스캠같다 했더니  않오네요 ~~넘 비슷한데 예전부터 겉은방법으로 하니. 않속지요. ~~조삼들 하세요


Kgold님의 댓글

Kgold 작성일

한글 광고 보고 영어로 물어 보는거  다 사기로 (100%) 보면 간단 합니다.

매일 계시판에  똑 같은 짖을 하고 있네요...


fiat님의 댓글

fiat 작성일

저도 어제 이것을 받았습니다. 집을 보지도 않고 돈을 보낸다고 했기에 이상하게 생각하는데 여기 이렇게 나와 있군요. 조심합시다!

 Hello Susan
  Thanks for taking your time to message me, I am Sara Jung, 31 years old female and i work full time, Monday to Friday and have weekends off except for once a month. I was born in Seoul and in grew up Kerrville, TX. I am a professional Computer Consultant and I deal in various kinds of computer applications and software. I am very dedicated individual who is totally committed to human development, friendly, very trustworthy and value relationship above anything. I am a laid-back person, I love traveling, sporting and enjoy meeting people around the world.
I will like to know the rent fee per month plus the utilities, description of the place, size, pictures and the equipment in there, names of major areas like, markets, malls, churches, gym, taxi park , restaurants and bars ,e.t.c
I will also like to know if I can make an advance payment ahead my arrival as a kind of commitment that I am truly interested in the property.
Blessings always


fiat님의 댓글

fiat 작성일

저도 받았는데 31살 Sara Lee 라고 하면서 집을 보기도 전에 돈을 먼저 보낸다고 하기에 뭐가 잘못된것 같아서 여기 들어와보니 같은 내용이네요. 그냥 삭제하는 수박에 없는것 같더라구요. 늘 수고하시는 죠지아텍 왭사이드님들께 감사를 드립니다.


tutti1님의 댓글

tutti1 작성일

저도 받았습니다. Sara Jung 이름으로 똑같은 방법으로 사기 치려고 했습니다.
sara.jung@aol.com 로 이메일 보내달라고 하고 또 다음 번호들로 연락하고 했습니다: 210-664-6505      210-294-6457        Kakao id: LEE0202     
Whatsapp 번호: 618-434-3751


헤리티지님의 댓글의 댓글

헤리티지 작성일

저랑 같은 사기꾼이네요ㆍSaraJung
여권까지 보내줘서 더 믿었다가
진작에 게시글을 확인했더라면 사기당하는 일 없었을텐데ᆢ


agiikim님의 댓글

agiikim 작성일

Sara is interested in your place for rent, kindly send photos to my email sara.jung@aol.com or text (210) 664-6505


jkim902님의 댓글

jkim902 작성일

이것도 scam 같습니다.
'Hi, Jung likes your property you posted for rental, I will appreciate if you can contact me on 7208197793 or Kakao Lee0202'


kimryang님의 댓글

kimryang 작성일

저 어제 받았어요
영어가 더 편하다고 해서 보이스톡하자고 했더니 보청기를 껴서 통화가 힘들어 문자가 편하다고
근데 영어가 저보다 못한 수준이여서 의심이 갔고
테넌트 입장에서 월세가 얼마인지 궁금할텐데
물어보지도 않고 홀드하기 위해 디파짓부터 한다고해서 의심이 갔어요
재직증명서 달라니까 읽십
여기 들어와서 읽어보니 딱 Sarah Jung 그분이네요 ㅎㅎㅎ


HelenJeon님의 댓글

HelenJeon 작성일

이런 문자 받았어요. 사기 입니다 조심하세요 "Hello, Sara likes your property and wants to rent it. Kindly contact her today by messaging LEE0202 on Kakao or emailing sara.jung at aol dot com" 전화번호는 209 989-7644 로 왔어요. 신고하는 방법 없을까요?


Sheila8182님의 댓글

Sheila8182 작성일

근데 돈을 먼저 주겠다는데.. 달라는것도 아니고
뭐가 문제고 사기인가요???… 잃을게 딱히 없어보여서요..


chrispa님의 댓글의 댓글

chrispa 작성일

예를들어 렌트비가 $1500 이면 $2500,$3000 ,$3500, 더이상도 보내줍니다 그리고 금방연락와서 자기가 실수해서 더 보냈는데 우선 책 디파싯하고 나머지보내달라고 하지요. 나머지돈주고, 받은책은 방수나고...이해되나요?


uppereastcode님의 댓글

uppereastcode 작성일

와우. 제 기억이맞았네요 ! 어렴픗 기억이나서 혹시나 하고 어제 문의 했는데  sara jung. 지메일  로 또는 카톡 Lee 0202 로  사진 보내달라고 시작하는듯했어요. 이른새벽 4시쯤 문자가와있었어요  그시간에  보낼사람이 한정이되어있는데 ㅠ 다행이 생각이나서  댓글 올려진곳을 찾았는데  조심 조심  한번 더 확인하시기바랍니다  불쌍한 사람들이네요 참으로 ㅠㅠ 윗글들  동일 인물 ?  전번은 다른거였어요


rainbow3090님의 댓글

rainbow3090 작성일

저도 그런 이멜 오늘 받았어요.
Sue Pak 이래요. 내용은 흡사하고
전화번호는 917791 2896

Total 46,773건 3118 페이지
렌트/룸메 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
18 주연1 1538 10-16
17 jj_8D 1594 10-16
16 zz 1426 10-16
15 Wanna0831 1493 10-16
14 두아이 1472 10-16
13 jjgogog 1552 10-15
12 토리맘 1573 10-14
11 fiftyfifty 1600 10-09
10 Jeen 2048 10-09
9 looking for roo… 1667 09-11
타운홈 인기글
참사랑 2010 08-08
7 dudqorh 1933 02-21
6 박승훈 2259 12-26
5 MikeHan 2943 12-04
4 eden 2661 09-12


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